About Us
LDC Meetings are held every 3 months. We are happy to discuss any issues raised by dentists in the area and to take those issues to NHS England and its Area Team on a group or individual basis.

Welcome to the Norfolk LDC website.
Chairman: Mr. Brian Robertson LDC Secretary: Mr. Jason Stokes
We aim to promote the interests, aspirations, and welfare of dentists in the Norfolk region while ensuring that high standards of patient care and provision are achieved.
Representing Dentists
As the local representative committee for independent Dental practitioners, the LDC has the statutory right to be consulted by NHS England and its Area Teams, ICBs, MCN's on issues relating to the dental profession.
Advice & Support
We offer information, advice, and support to dental professionals.
Register with your LDC
If you are paying an LDC levy, please subscribe to ensure you receive our communications and invitations to events provided by your LDC. It is important that you subscribe. You can unsubscribe at any time if you no longer wish to receive correspondence from us.
The LDC is involved with providing input into several dental committees in Norfolk including -Professional Executive Committees (PECs) of PCTs -Oral Health Advisory group -Clinical Governance within the LDN's -Patient representative groups LDC members also assist in Dental discipline committee (Poor performance) ensuring the dentist involved is supported -Providing members for DPB appeals -Advising PCTs over complaints against dentists ensuring the dentists interests are represented positively -Feed back of grass roots views nationally
Following the NHS reforms in 2006, local commissioning and developments in the provision of NHS dental services. LDCs will also make nominations to or may be consulted about membership of certain committees of the Primary Care Organisation. In Scotland while health boards do consult LDCs, the role of the LDC does not have a statutory basis. There are over 130 LDCs in the UK.

Register Now with your Local Dental Committee
Meet Our LDC Team

Mr Brian Robertson
LDC Chairman

Mr Jason Stokes
LDC Secretary
Executive Committee Members
Chairman: Mr Brian Robertson
Vice-Chairman: Mr Andy Bell
Secretary: Mr Jason Stokes
Ass. Secretary: Mr Adam Smith
Treasurer: Mr Bruce Irving
GDPC Rep: Mr Andy Bell
IT: Mr Denver Fester
Committee Members
Mr Khaldon Ali Mohammed
Mrs Mandana Atashkadesh
Mr Murtuza Burhanpurwala
Mr Antony Hare
Mr Celestin Jacobs
Miss Sara Jane Salman
Mr Ari Madani
Mr Jim Pearson
Mrs Catrina Place
Mr John Plummer
Mrs Suzanne Plummer
Mr Pieter Roos
Mrs Kate Rustage
Mrs Aseel Salman
Mr Masoud Shahram
Mr Nick Stolls
Mr Neil Sumser Lupson
Miss Mariana Visan
Mr Mark Willets
Mr John Wren
Mr Tom Norfolk (LDN Chair)
Non Elected as Ex Officio
Mr Richard Sisson (Consultant, N&N Hospital)
Mr Richard Lawson (Dental Practice Adviser-Norfolk, NHSE, PASS, GDC)
Miss Angela Simms (Community Services)
Miss Asha Thomson (N&N, Clinical Fellow)
Mr Haren Patel (Orthodontic Specialsit)
Mr Martin Creedon (GDP)
Mr Stuart McCance (GDP)
Mrs Ali Altikriti (GDP)
Mr Conrad Costa (Domicilary Contractor)